Results for 'B. I. X. H.'

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  1.  52
    Contract rights and remedies, and the divergence between law and morality.B. I. X. H. - 2008 - Ratio Juris 21 (2):194-211.
    Abstract. There is an ongoing debate in the philosophical and jurisprudential literature regarding the nature and possibility of Contract theory. On one hand, are those who argue (or assume) that there is, or should be, a single, general, universal theory of Contract Law, one applicable to all jurisdictions and all times. On the other hand, are those who assert that Contract theory should be localized to particular times and places, perhaps even with different theories for different types of agreements. This (...)
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  2.  20
    Form and Formalism: The View from Legal Theory.B. I. X. Brian - 2007 - Ratio Juris 20 (1):45-55.
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    Graeco-Roman Egypt - De Magistratibus Aegyptiis externas Lagidarum Regni Provincias administrantibus. Scripsit D. Cohen. 8vo. Pp. xii + 114. 's Gravenhage: L. Levisson, n.d. Hfl. 4.50 (M. 8, Frs. 9.50). - Quaestiones Epiphanianae metrologicae et criticae. Scripsit Oscarius Viedebantt. 8vo. Pp. x. + 140. 1 plate and tables. Lipsiae: B. G. Teubner, 1911. M. 6. - Ägyptisches Vereinswesen zur Zeit der Ptolemäer und Römer. DrVon Jur. Mariano San Nicolò. IerBand. 8vo. Pp. 225. München: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1913. - Der Fiskus der Ptolemaeer: I. Seine Spezialbeamten und sein öffentlich rechtlicher Charakter. DrVon. Jur. Alfons Steiner. 8vo. Pp. 66. Leipzig, Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1913. Unbound, M. 2.40; bound, M. 3.60. - Ptolemäisches Prozessrecht: Studien zur ptolemäischen Gerichtsverfassung und zum Gerichtsverfahren. Heft I. DrVon. Jur. Gregor Semeka. 8vo. Pp. v + 311. Munchen: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1913. [REVIEW]H. I. Bell - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (06):198-201.
  4.  79
    Some School Books - E. C. Kennedy and Bertha Tilley: Trojan Aeneas. Pp. xxi + 135; 8 plates. Cambridge: University Press, 1959. Cloth, 6 s. - C. G. Cooper: Journey to Hesperia. Pp. lxii + 189; 16 plates. London: Macmillan, 1959. Cloth, 7 s. 6 d. - R. Roebuck: Cornelius Nepos, Three Lives (Alcibiades, Dion, Atticus). Pp. vi + 138; 8 plates. London: Bell, 1958. Cloth, 5 s. - E. C. Kennedy: Caesar, De Bella Gallico iii. Pp. 107: 1 plate, 2 maps. Cambridge: University Press, 1959. Cloth, 6 s. - E. C. Kennedy: Caesar, De Bella Gallico iii. Pp. 224: 1 plate, 4 maps and plans. Cambridge: University Press, 1959. Cloth, 6 s. - R. C. Reeves: Horrenda. Pp. 159; drawings. Slough: Centaur Books, 1958. Cloth, 8 s. 6 d. - G. S. Thompson and C. H. Craddock: Latin. A Four Year Course to G.C.E. Ordinary Level: Book i. Pp. xi + 218: 5 maps. London and Glasgow: Blackie. Cloth, 7 s. 6 d. - S. K. Bailey: Roman Life and Letters. A Reader for the Sixth Form. Pp. x + 195; 7 plates. London:. [REVIEW]B. H. Kemball-Cook - 1960 - The Classical Review 10 (03):252-253.
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  5. Motivation by de se beliefs.B. H. Slater - unknown
    I have become more convinced, over the years, by the truth of Wittgenstein’s characterisation of philosophy as arising through misconceptions of grammar. Such a misconception of grammar characterises a very popular approach to indexicality which has been current since the 1970s, stemming from the work of Casteñeda, and Kaplan. Gareth Evans was inclined to allow, for instance, that one could say ‘“To the left (I am hot)” is true, as uttered by x at t iff there is someone moderately near (...)
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  6.  99
    X. K. Καπνουκαγ ας: ''H ρχα α 'Pωμα α.' Pp. 139; illustrations. (Bιβλιοθ κη 'Aνωτ ρας Σχολ ς Mορφ σ ως 'Eλλην δων 'Iον ου Σχολ ς, I.) Athens, 1935. Paper. [REVIEW]H. Mattingly - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (01):40-.
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  7.  63
    Ordered Fields with Several Exponential Functions.B. I. Dahn & H. Wolter - 1984 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 30 (19-24):341-348.
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  8.  22
    Transmission electron microscopy observation of a deformation twin in TWIP steel by anex situtensile test.J. B. Liu, X. H. Liu, W. Liu, Y. W. Zeng & K. Y. Shu - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (31):4033-4044.
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    Significance of stacking fault energy on microstructural evolution in Cu and Cu–Al alloys processed by high-pressure torsion.X. H. An, Q. Y. Lin, S. D. Wu, Z. F. Zhang, R. B. Figueiredo, N. Gao & T. G. Langdon - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (25):3307-3326.
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  10. Leibniz-Bibliographie 1993.T. I. B. Hannover & X. X. V. Band - 1993 - Studia Leibnitiana 25:213.
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    Veröffentlichungen aus der Papyrus-Sammlung der K. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek zu München. I. Byzantinische Papyri, 1 vol. 4 to. Pp. x + 203. One portfolio of facsimiles. Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1914. M. 28. [REVIEW]S. H. A. - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (7):250-251.
  12.  34
    New polytypes of LPSO structures in an Mg–Co–Y alloy.Q. Q. Jin, X. H. Shao, X. B. Hu, Z. Z. Peng & X. L. Ma - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (1):1-16.
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    A New Version of the Aeneid Unwin S. Barrett and J. H. O. Johnston: The Aeneid of Vergil. (Books I-IX translated by U. S. B., Books X-XII by J. H. O. J.) Pp. 444. Pretoria: van Schaik, 1937. Cloth, 15s. [REVIEW]L. J. D. Richardson - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (06):226-227.
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    Plaisir et acte selon Alexandre d’Aphrodise.Gweltaz Guyomarc’H. - 2019 - Chôra 17:181-209.
    According to some testimonies, the Aristotelian ethics have been torn between a hedonist reading, as much as an anti‑hedonist one, throughout Antiquity. From Critolaos to Verginius Rufus and Sosicrates, pleasure is considered both as “an evil [that] gives birth to many other evils” and as the first appropriate thing and the supreme good. This noteworthy disagreement stems from a famous difficulty within the Aristotelian corpus, raised by Aspasius, i.e. the alleged coexistence of two ‘definitions’ of pleasure in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics (...)
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    Bibliografische Nota's. [REVIEW]B. Delfgaauw, J. H. Walgrave, Karl Schuhmann, P. Swiggers, L. Braeckmans, L. De Vos, K. Verrycken, André Cloots, Henk Struyker Boudier, C. Struyker Boudier, Herman Parret, Hugo Sonneville, J. Janssens, Etienne Van Doosselaere, C. Steel, M. Christiaens, P. Van Tongeren & I. Verhack - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45 (4):677 - 688.
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  16. Brain changes in the acquisition of literacy.M. I. Posner, J. Kiesner, L. Thomasthrapp, B. Mccandliss, T. H. Carr & M. K. Rothbart - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):461-461.
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  17.  45
    Morphology and orientation of iron oxide precipitates in epitaxial BiFeO3thin films grown under two non-optimized oxygen pressures.X. Wang, Y. L. Zhu, S. B. Mi, C. Wang, H. B. Lu & X. L. Ma - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (34):4551-4567.
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  18.  53
    Aerobic fitness is associated with greater white matter integrity in children.Laura Chaddock-Heyman, Kirk I. Erickson, Joseph L. Holtrop, Michelle W. Voss, Matthew B. Pontifex, Lauren B. Raine, Charles H. Hillman & Arthur F. Kramer - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  19. Majmūʻah-ʼi ḥavāshī va taʻlīqāt: bar 19 kitāb-i kalāmī, falsafī va ḥikamī-i ḥukamāʼ-i mutaʼakhkhir va qadīm.Rafīʻī Qazvīnī & Abū al-Ḥasan - 2007 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-ʼi Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-ʼi Īrān. Edited by Ghulām Ḥusayn Riz̤āʹnizhād Nūshīn.
  20.  36
    Theology present to itself: A tribute to Karl Rahner.B. R. Brinkman - 1984 - Heythrop Journal 25 (3):257–259.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Theological Investigations, Vol. XVIII: God and Revelation. By Karl Rahner., 304, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1984, £18.50. Theological Investigations, Volume XIX: Faith and Ministry. By Karl Rahner., 282, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1984, £18.50. Theological Investigations: Volume XX: Concern for the Church. By Karl Rahner., 191, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1981, £14.50. Concise Theological Dictionary. Edited by Karl Rahner and Herbert Vorgrimler. Pp.541, London, Burns & Oates, 1983, £12.50. A (...)
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  21.  27
    Moral Black- and whitemail.H. J. N. Horsburgh - 1975 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):23 – 38.
    ?Moral Black? and Whitemail? is a study of those modes of action which involve what I propose to call ?a raising of the moral stakes?. Illustration: A wants B to do X, and B wants to do Y; so A creates a situation in which doing Y would either be morally objectionable or more objectionable than it would have been but for A's intervention. Such modes of action include all the varieties of moral blackmail as well as such practices as (...)
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  22.  35
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Richard la Brecque, Andra Makler, Anneke Markholt, N. I. X. Mary, Paul P. Krempasky Jr, Barbara Senkowski Stengel, Samuel Totten, Mike Kraft & Malcolm B. Campbell - 1997 - Educational Studies 28 (2):111-153.
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  23.  50
    Linear analysis of the viscoelastic response of polymer micro-pillars using the open-loop flat punch indentation test.J. -H. Kim, S. -J. Jeong, H. -J. Lee, S. -W. Han, B. -I. Choi, S. -H. Park & D. -Y. Yang - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (33-35):5679-5690.
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    An unknown seventeenth-century French translation of sextus empiricus.Charles B. Schmitt - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):69-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS 69 in pre-Socratic scholarship. But he does not do justice to the religious mood which pervades the whole poem (a mood which is set by the prologue which casts the whole work into the form of some kind of religious revelation). The prologue is considerably more than a mere literary device, and the poem is more than logic. Generally, Jaeger9 and Guthrie are surely correct in (...)
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  25.  19
    Modal logic, fundamentally.Wesley H. Holliday - 2024 - In Agata Ciabattoni, David Gabelaia & Igor Sedlár, Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 15. London: College Publications.
    Non-classical generalizations of classical modal logic have been developed in the contexts of constructive mathematics and natural language semantics. In this paper, we discuss a general approach to the semantics of non-classical modal logics via algebraic representation theorems. We begin with complete lattices L equipped with an antitone operation ¬ sending 1 to 0, a completely multiplicative operation ◻, and a completely additive operation ◊. Such lattice expansions can be represented by means of a set X together with binary relations (...)
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  26.  70
    Whether Top Executives' Turnover Influences Environmental Responsibility: From the Perspective of Environmental Information Disclosure. [REVIEW]X. H. Meng, S. X. Zeng, C. M. Tam & X. D. Xu - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (2):341-353.
    We have empirically examined the relationship between top executives’ turnover and the corporate environmental responsibility by identifying the influence of ten specific turnover reasons resulting in the chairman’s departure and two important types of chairman’s succession. Using a sample of 782 manufacturing listed companies across 3 years in China, we find that the corporate environmental responsibility is negatively associated with the involuntary and negative turnover (i.e., dismissal, health and death, and forced resignation) and positively associated with improving corporate governance, and (...)
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  27.  30
    Correlation between the wear resistance of Cu-Ni alloy and its electron work function.X. C. Huang, H. Lu, H. B. He, X. G. Yan & D. Y. Li - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (34):3896-3909.
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  28.  86
    Physical Fitness, White Matter Volume and Academic Performance in Children: Findings From the ActiveBrains and FITKids2 Projects.Irene Esteban-Cornejo, Maria Rodriguez-Ayllon, Juan Verdejo-Roman, Cristina Cadenas-Sanchez, Jose Mora-Gonzalez, Laura Chaddock-Heyman, Lauren B. Raine, Chelsea M. Stillman, Arthur F. Kramer, Kirk I. Erickson, Andrés Catena, Francisco B. Ortega & Charles H. Hillman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  29.  41
    Generalization in the initial stages of learning nonsense syllables: I. Integral responses.B. R. Philip & H. E. Peixotto - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 33 (1):50.
  30. Felsefey exlaq =.Teḧsîn Ḧeme Ẍerîb - 2011 - Silêmanî [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Endêşe bo Çap u Biławkirdinewe.
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  31. The estimator theory of life and mind: how agency and consciousness can emerge.J. H. Van Hateren - manuscript
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of my recent theoretical work that aims to explain some of the more puzzling properties of life and mind, in particular agency, goal-directedness and consciousness. It contains published papers as well as new material. Table of contents: Preface - PART I: GROUNDWORK - 1. Introduction - 2. The basic mechanism - 3. Inclusive and extensive fitness - 4. Components of F and X - 5. The consequences: a preview - PART II: LIFE - 6. (...)
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    A generalization of Sierpiński's paradoxical decompositions: Coloring semialgebraic grids.James H. Schmerl - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (4):1165-1183.
    A structure A = (A; E₀, E₁ , . . . , ${E_{n - 2}}$) is an n-grid if each E i is an equivalence relation on A and whenver X and Y are equivalence classes of, repectively, distinct E i and E j , then X ∩ Y is finite. A coloring χ : A → n is acceptable if whenver X is an equivalence class of E i , then {ϰ Є X: χ(ϰ) = i} is finite. If (...)
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  33. DOSEN, K., Rudimentary Kripke models for the intuitionistic propositional calculus EVANS, DM and HRUSHOVSKI, E., On the automorphism groups of finite covers.H. Friedman, Sg Simpson, X. Yu, Mc Laskowski, Ad Greif, A. Marcia, M. Prest, C. Toffalori, A. Pillay & B. Hart - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 62:295.
  34.  9
    Ethics and Animals.Harlan B. Miller & William H. Williams - 1983 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume is a collection of essays concerned with the morality of hu man treatment of nonhuman animals. The contributors take very different approaches to their topics and come to widely divergent conclusions. The goal of the volume as a whole is to shed a brighter light upon an aspect of human life-our relations with the other animals-that has recently seen a great increase in interest and in the generation of heat. The discussions and debates contained herein are addressed by (...)
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  35. Farār az madrasah: darbārah-ʼi zindagī va andīshah-ʼi Abū Ḥāmid Ghazzālī.ʻAbd al-Ḥusayn Zarrīnʹkūb - 1985 - Tihrān: Amīr Kabīr.
  36. Manhaj Muḥammad Quṭb fī naqd al-madhāhib al-fikrīyah al-muʻāsirah: al-ʻaqlānīyah, al-ʻalmānīyah, al-dīmuqrāṭīyah.Muḥammad ʻAbd Allāh ʻĪsá Ḥamad Maṭar - 2018 - al-Kuwayt: Markaz al-Rāsikhūn lil-Taʼṣīl al-Sharʻī.
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  37. Section IX-data acquisition systems.R. E. Luxton, G. G. Swenson, B. S. Chadwick, J. C. Kaimal, D. A. Haugen, M. I. Large, W. B. McAdam, D. H. Rodgers, P. O. Gillard & D. Lamp - 1967 - In E. F. Bradley & O. T. Denmead, The Collection and processing of field data. New York,: Interscience Publishers.
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  38. al-Rūḥ.Qādirī Rifāʻī & Sayyid Maḥbūb Jaishulláh Shāh - 2009 - Bangalaur: Hamdard Bukḍipū.
    Study on the philosophy of soul according to Islamic teachings.
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  39.  43
    Aeschylus Persae 829.B. H. I. H. Stewart - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (02):107-.
  40.  32
    In situobservation of pore evolution during melting and solidification of Al–Pd–Mn quasicrystals by synchrotron X-ray radiography.J. Gastaldi *, T. Schenk, G. Reinhart, H. Klein, J. Härtwig, N. Mangelinck-Noël, B. Grushko, H. Nguyen Thi, P. Pino, B. Billia & J. Baruchel - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (3-5):335-340.
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  41. James, William 23, 38-41,181 Jaspers, K. 133 Jennings, HS 140 Josephson, BD 8,103.H. B. Barlow, E. W. Bastin, J. S. Bell, Franz Brentano, D. E. Broadbent, J. Bronowski, N. Chomsky, Kenneth Craik, I. Kant & A. Kenny - 1980 - In Brian David Josephson & V. S. Ramachandran, Consciousness and the physical world: edited proceedings of an interdisciplinary symposium on consciousness held at the University of Cambridge in January 1978. New York: Pergamon Press.
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  42. No man is an island: HIV/AIDS and the G8.H. Janjua, D. Postigo, R. Rowden, I. Viciani, J. C. Cohen, P. Illingworth, N. Daniels, D. W. Brock, D. B. Resnik & C. C. Macpherson - 2003 - Developing World Bioethics 3 (1):27-48.
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    Complexity and Organized Behaviour within Environmental Bounds (COBWEB): An Agent-Based Approach to Simulating Ecological Adaptation.B. Bass, E. Chan, Z. F. Yang, T. Sun, X. S. Qin, P. S. Sangle, S. M. George, Z. Y. Hu, C. W. Chan & G. H. Huang - 2005 - Complexity 6 (2).
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  44.  86
    New books. [REVIEW]A. K. Stout, F. C. S. Schiller, R. B. Brathwaite, James Drever, R. I. Aaron, H. R. Mackintosh, E. S. Waterhouse, O. de Selincourt, A. C. Ewing, T. E. & M. D. - 1930 - Mind 39 (156):502-530.
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  45. Anderson, JR, 123 Arterberry, ME, 1 Aslin, RN, B33 Au, TK-f., B53.H. Barth, M. H. Bornstein, J. I. D. Campbell, B. Geurts, P. C. Gordon, R. Gunter, R. Hendrick, C. W. Hue, S. Laurence & E. Margolis - 2003 - Cognition 86:317.
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  46. Visual attention and manual aiming: Evidence for obligatory and selective spatial coupling.H. Deubel, W. X. Schneider & I. Paprotta - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 25--13.
  47.  9
    Maṣābīḥ al-qulūb: sharḥ-i Fārsī-i panjāh va sih ḥadīs̲-i akhlāqī az Payāmbar-i Akram.Shīʻī Sabzvārī & Ḥasan ibn Ḥusayn - 1996 - Tihrān: Daftar-i Mīr̄ās̲-i Maktūb. Edited by Muḥammad Sipihrī.
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  48.  25
    Understanding visual attention to face emotions in social anxiety using hidden Markov models.Frederick H. F. Chan, Tom J. Barry, Antoni B. Chan & Janet H. Hsiao - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (8):1704-1710.
    Theoretical models propose that attentional biases might account for the maintenance of social anxiety symptoms. However, previous eye-tracking studies have yielded mixed results. One explanation i...
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  49.  35
    Investigations of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters for Yb3+in the tetragonal phase of SrTiO3crystal.W. C. Zheng, H. G. Liu, W. Q. Yang & B. X. Li - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (21):2899-2904.
  50.  13
    al-Jāmiʻ fī asbāb wa-ʻilāj al-inḥirāf.Abū al-Ṣiddīq ʻAbd al-Wahhāb ibn Ṣāliḥ Abū Khalabah Ḥaddāʼī - 2018 - al-Riyāḍ: al-Nāshir al-Mutamayyiz lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Islamic education; Muslims; conduct of life.
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